Thursday, April 30, 2015

Shopping List for April 26 - May 2


FOOD TOWN (Tuesday):
Diet Cherry Pepsi - $3.99
Ground beef @ 1.69lb (marked down) - $19.92

TOTAL - $24.20

HEB (Tuesday):
Quart heavy cream - $3.98
Shower spray - $2.24
5 x nasals strips @ 1.72 each (marked down) - $8.60

TOTAL - $15.00

WALMART (Thursday):
Toothpaste - $1.00
8 ounces mushrooms - $1.64

TOTAL - $2.64

KROGER (Thursday):
Ice cream @ 2.50 (minus 10% discount) - $2.25
7 CARBmaster yogurt @ .40 each (minus 10% discount + .40 coupon) - $2.12
Roma tomatoes @ .68lb - $.37
8 ounce sour cream @ .99 (minus 10% discount) - $.89
8 ounce Colby cheese @ 1.99 (minus 10% discount) - $1.79
8 ounce Monterey Jack cheese @ 1.99 (minus 10% discount) - $1.79
16 ounce American cheese @ 4.19 (minus 10% discount) - $3.77
2 8-ounce cream cheese @ 1.00 each (minus 10% discount) - $1.80

TOTAL - $15.18

GRAND TOTAL - $57.02 (over budget by $7.02)


I went a little over budget this week because I had to take advantage of a couple of good deals on ground beef and nasal strips. I was down to only four pounds of hamburger in the freezer so I needed to stock up. I could have bought even more than I did but decided not to be greedy.

The nasal strips were a bargain that I couldn't pass up. They were marked down from $6.88 per package to only $1.72 each. So, I got about a 5-month supply for not much more than I usually pay for one month's worth. I bought all five packages that they had left. HEB hasn't discontinued their brand of nasal strips but for some reason they had those tan ones on clearance and I'm pretty sure that they never had that kind before. If you recall, I bought one package of them last week for $3.44 and wondered why they were so cheap. Apparently they were marked down and this week they marked them down again even more. I usually buy the clear ones and they still have those at the usual price.

As you can see, HEB finally had quarts of heavy cream back in stock.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

As you can see, I hit the jackpot on a couple of things. I'll post details on Thursday.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Menu for the week of 4/26 thru 5/2


CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch
Tijuana Quiche
Leftover roast chicken

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch
Tuna Casserole III

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch
Philly Cheesesteak Melt

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch
Ham & Cheese Quiche
Chile Relleno Casserole

CARBmaster Yogurt and Coconutty Crunch


My menu for next week is subject to change because my husband is sick. He's hardly eaten anything these past few days so I'm still eating the Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole and meatloaf that I made last week. I'll eat the last of the casserole today and the meatloaf should be finished off by tomorrow or thrown out. We've got plenty of eggs in the fridge and I've got some frozen soup that I can thaw if we need it.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Shopping List for April 19 - April 25


FOOD TOWN (Tuesday):
Boneless thighs @ 1.77lb - $4.87
Onions @ .39lb - $.94
Bacon - 1.99
Italian sausage - 2.99

TOTAL - $10.79

HEB (Tuesday):
2 pints heavy cream @ 1.99 each - $3.98
3-pack tissue - $3.57
Crystal Light (marked down) - $1.00
Nasal strips - $3.44
Sugar free gelatin (marked down) - $.25

TOTAL - $12.62

WALMART (Thursday):
Jalapeños @ .74lb - $.74
Sub rolls - $2.98
Drink drops - $2.48
10 pack Dial soap - $4.88
Cookies - $1.98

TOTAL - $13.67

KROGER (Thursday):
Ice cream @ 2.99 (minus 10% discount) - $2.69
Frozen cauliflower @ 1.00 (minus 10% discount) - $.90
16 ounce shredded cheddar @ 3.49 (minus 10% discount) - $3.14
Unsweetened coconut @ 1.29 (minus 10% discount) - $1.16
2 cans tuna @ .78 each (minus 10% discount) - $1.40
4 ounce can mushrooms @ .62 (minus 10% discount) - $.56
7 CARBmaster yogurt @ .40 each (minus 10% discount + .40 coupon) - $2.12
Cookies @ 1.89 (minus 10% discount) - $1.70

TOTAL - $13.67

GRAND TOTAL - $50.75 (over budget by 75-cents)


Did you notice how much I spent at Walmart and Kroger today? That's not a typo. I spent exactly the same amount at both stores. What are the odds?

Once again HEB was out of the quarts of heavy cream. I was a bit fed up so I asked the manager if they would sell me two pints for the price of a quart and they did. I don't know why the nasal strips were so cheap this time. I didn't notice a sale sign or anything. They're usually $6.88, not $3.44. When I go there next Tuesday I will check the price and see what's up.

Next week I plan to make a Philly cheese steak stir-fry using the Steak-umms that I bought at Aldi recently. I will eat mine with a fork but Jerry said that he would like his on a bun. That's what the sub rolls are for.

I've decided to start eating yogurt for breakfast again and I was disappointed to see that Kroger was out of many flavors this week. I hope that doesn't mean that they're going to discontinue the CARBmaster. Thankfully they had most of my favorite flavors. The White Chocolate Raspberry is my absolute favorite and they had plenty of that one as well as the Caramel Spice Cake.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday's Shopping

HEB was out of the quarts of heavy cream once again. This has been a problem for weeks now. Either they don't have any or I get the very last one. Today I asked the manager if I could get two pints for the price of a quart and she said that I could. Otherwise the two of them would have cost me another 60-cents over the quart price.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Menu for the week of 4/19 thru 4/25


Leftover Salsa Sausage Quiche
Leftover Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
Atkins Meatloaf


Broiled Tilapia Parmesan
Cheese Biscuits aka Almond Cheese Rounds

Tijuana Quiche

My Favorite Sloppy Joes


Roast Chicken
Green beans



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Shopping List for April 12 - April 18

WALMART (Thursday):
Face scrub - $1.97
12-pack Pepsi - $4.48
Bisquick - $2.98
4 ounce green chiles - $.68
Pepperoni - $2.00
Green onions - $.98
Pork rinds - $2.98

TOTAL - $16.60

KROGER (Thursday):
Ice cream @ 2.99 each (minus 10% discount) - $2.69
Peanut butter @ 1.79 (minus 10% discount) - $1.61
2 MiO @ 2.99 each - $5.98
Quart milk @ 1.19 (minus 10% discount) - $1.07
2 dozen eggs @ 1.25 (minus 10% discount) - $2.24

TOTAL - $13.59

GRAND TOTAL - $30.19

I didn't have much to buy this week what with no cooking to do until today. Our company left yesterday afternoon. So, I splurged and got a few things that I wouldn't normally buy such as the MiO drops. Jerry has requested pancakes this weekend which is why I bought the Bisquick and milk. A while back I tried a pancake mix from Aldi that only needed water and it was horrible. The pancakes were like sponges. I know that Bisquick makes good pancakes because I've made them that way for many years.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Shopping List for April 5 - April 11


FOOD TOWN (Tuesday):
12 pack toilet paper - $3.99
Toothpaste - $.99
Ground sirloin @ 1.99lb (marked down) - $2.13
Tomato @ .99lb - $.55
12 pack diet Pepsi - $3.99

TOTAL - $12.29

HEB (Tuesday):
Shower spray - $2.24
Mentos, sugar free - $2.00
2 pairs reading glasses @ 1.00 each - $2.00 (originally $17.99 each)

TOTAL - $6.75

ALDI (Thursday):
Bread - $.85
Corn chips - $.89
Colby cheese - $1.79
2 cans tomato paste @ .39 each - $.78
2 packages cookies @ 2.19 - $4.38
Steak-umms - $3.99

TOTAL - $12.68

HEB (Thursday):
Heavy cream - $3.99
Candy - $.48

TOTAL - $4.50

KROGER (Thursday):
12-pack diet soda @ 2.39 (minus 10% discount) - $2.15
2 16-ounce shredded cheese @ 2.99 each (minus 10% discount) - $5.38
2 ice cream @ 2.99 each (minus 10% discount) - $5.38
2 boxes tissue @ 1.00 each (minus 10% discount) - $1.80
Napkins @ .97 (minus 10% discount) - $.87
Peanut butter @ 1.79 (minus 10% discount) - $1.61

TOTAL - $17.59

GRAND TOTAL - $53.81 (over budget by $3.81)


The price of heavy cream has gone up once again and it was only a few weeks ago when they upped the price the first time from $3.57 to $3.79. For some reason I'm having trouble getting cream lately. The HEB that I went to on Tuesday didn't have any in stock. The store that I went to today had one left, probably because it was so far back in the cooler that nobody could reach it. It was a struggle to reach it but I was determined enough to do it.

I splurged on the Steak-umms. They were $5.99 at Aldi last week and marked down to $3.99 this week. It's a 20-ounce package. It's been ages since I last had them and like using them to make a stir-fry with bell peppers, mushrooms and onions then topped with cheese. It's like a Philly Cheesesteak stir-fry.

I went slightly over budget this week because I bought the Steak-umms.

We're going to have company for a few days so I won't be shopping or blogging next Tuesday, which is my birthday. I don't want anyone to worry about me if they don't see anything posted next Tuesday so I'm letting you know the reason now. I also won't be posting next week's menu on Friday because I don't know what or where we're going to be eating while our company is here. I was told that we would be going out to eat and not to worry about cooking. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday's Shopping

I wouldn't normally buy ground sirloin but I needed some fresh hamburger to make burgers today and that was the only package that was marked down. It was only $1.99lb and just enough for three nice burgers. Hopefully they won't come out too dry because of the low fat content. Jerry probably won't mind but I'll probably slather my burger with bacon grease to boost the fat.

I also wouldn't normally buy glasses at the grocery store but I couldn't pass up this amazing deal. I found two pairs of reading glasses in the clearance bin for a dollar each. I usually buy dollar store reading glasses but these are MUCH nicer quality and that's because the regular price per pair was $17.99!!! So, I got $36 worth of glasses for two bucks!


Friday, April 3, 2015

Menu for the week of 4/5 thru 4/11


Leftover Sausage Quiche
Leftover Creamy Beef & Vegetable Casserole

Leftover Green Enchilada Chicken 
Tuna Casserole (I might move this to Monday)



Pork Roast


Kicken Chicken (new recipe)

Taco Meat with Quick Nacho Cheese Dip and Guacamole 


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shopping List for March 29 - April 4


FOOD TOWN (Tuesday):
Boneless chicken breasts @ 1.77lb - $3.47
Boneless thighs @ 1.77lb - $5.58
Onions @ .69lb - $.96

TOTAL - $10.01

HEB (Tuesday):
Shower spray - $2.24
2 candy bars @ .25 each - $.50

TOTAL - $2.97

ALDI (Thursday):
Bread - $.85
2 coffee @ 2.69 each - $5.38
Cream cheese - $.89

TOTAL - $7.12

WALMART (Thursday):
Salsa - $1.58
Toothpaste - $1.00

TOTAL - $2.58

KROGER (Thursday):
12-pack diet soda @ 2.39 (minus 10% discount) - $2.15
Colby cheese @ 1.77 (minus 10% discount) - $1.59
4 shredded cheese @ 1.77 each (minus 10% discount) - $6.36 ($1.59 each)
Mayonnaise @ 2.50 (minus 10% discount) - $2.25
American cheese @ 4.19 (minus 10% discount) - $3.77
Baking powder @ .99 (minus 10% discount) - $.89
2 bags frozen bell peppers @ 1.00 each (minus 10% discount/-.40 coupon) - $1.40
Frozen vegetable blend @ 1.00 (minus 10% discount) - $.90
2 ice cream @ 2.50 each (minus 10% discount/-.40 coupon) - $4.10 ($2.05 each)

TOTAL - $23.59

GRAND TOTAL - $46.27