It seems like I've been getting a good deal on marked down ground beef for a few weeks in a row now. I try not to pass it up, especially for 99-cents pound like I found again today. What tends to happen is that I'll catch the mark-downs for a few weeks in a row and then find nothing for a couple of months or more. That's why having a big freezer in the garage is so handy. I bought about 9 1/2 pounds this morning. I froze five 1-pound bags of it. With the rest I made a 2-pound meatloaf and cooked two pounds of taco meat for the tacos we'll be having later this week. We actually already have a meatloaf in the fridge that I made on Sunday but my husband was disappointed that it seemed to be going so quickly.
At Food Town I got a 12-pack of Fiora toilet paper that was on sale for $3.44. They had a store coupon for $1.00 off if you spent at least $10.00 so I got it for only $2.44. I really like that brand and it's on sale quite often. They also had jars of Duke's mayonnaise on sale for $1.99 and I got 40 cents off with a coupon. They still had the fajita marinade on sale for 99-cents so I bought one more bottle. I got one free item: a 10-ounce bottle of Kikkoman soy sauce. It was on sale for 50-cents a bottle (it's normally at least $1.59 at Kroger) and I had a coupon for 55-cents off.
At HEB, they still had their pork rinds buy two bags/get one bag free deal so I got three bags for $3.00 total. Today was the last day for that coupon. It wasn't on sale, but I bought a quart of heavy cream for $3.56, which is the same as Walmart charges. Lastly, I got a tube of Lip Smacker lip balm from the clearance bin for 75-cents. It was even the Dr Pepper flavor that I normally buy. The package had been opened so they taped it up and marked it down just for me to come along and snatch it up.